Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone had a very happy holiday! As everyone is getting new e-reader devices, now is the perfect time to tell your friends and family to download the Desire novels! Through December 27, Secrets and Keys is free! Then from December 28-29, Lies and Locks will be free! They're the perfect stories to read as we all try to keep our New Years Resolutions coming up while working out on a dreaded machine!

And just in case you forgot (I know I haven't said it in awhile): I APPRECIATE YOU ALL! All of your love and support in my writing process is truly a wonderful  gift to have.  Thank you, as all of your support gives me motivation to finish the final novel!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

It's on

The free book promotion is still going on until tomorrow, December 2, for both Secrets and Keys/Lies and Locks. Don't miss out on your chance to get both novels for FREE! And after you purchase and read the books, you can all do me a HUGE favor by rating them. Let me know what you think of them! On Amazon would be awesome, as that is where others will be wondering if it's worth giving each novel a shot by purchasing it. But if you have a GoodReads account, then post  your reviews there as well! It would be really great to hear what others are thinking. Plus, maybe that would give me the motivation to finish cranking out the third and final novel. Send me good thoughts, since I have had ZERO motivation this past month to finish (losing my documents on my old computer has really decreased my motivation- but maybe for Christmas I'll be able to transfer my old hard drive to this computer!).

Read. Review. Repeat.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Hi everyone!

So I've decided to set a free promotion for BOTH Secrets and Keys/Lies and Locks. Starting today and ending Monday, December 2nd, both novels will be free on Amazon! Check out the links on the side to find them. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the holiday season! I will announce the next promotion soon.

Monday, September 30, 2013

When September Ends...

Oh hey! Long time no see. Maybe I should drop by more often! So I realize I totally failed keeping up with this blog this summer, but I want to get better. My life this summer went from busy to hectic as soon as my marching band coaching job started! So long story short, two jobs + no free time = no time to write. I know, I've been bad this summer. As soon as marching season ends and I get back to only having one job, I plan on seriously cracking down on finishing the final installment in the Desire series. After that, I have some exciting things planned!

I am enrolling both of my novels in the Amazon KDP program again. This will probably be the last time I enroll the first novel. Keep an eye out, as I will post an announcement a few days before I choose the free promotion dates!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What A Month

So, what is one of the worst things that could possibly happen to a writer? If you guessed sending your computer in to get a tune-up before the warranty expired and two weeks later finding out your computer would not return because it was trashed due to it being too expensive to fix and you didn't back up everything important on your computer, then you guessed correctly. I had a mild panic attack that I lost the documents for all of the novels, but thankfully I have a habit of e-mailing myself or one of my editors copies, so I have almost everything! The only thing lost was the most recent stuff I worked on for a new novel, but there was only one chapter lost there. So if you have been wondering why my posting has been slow, even though I told myself I would come here more often, that is the reason.

I plan on getting the third novel at least close to finished this summer (though who's complaining if I finish?)! Hopefully I can get it there. I just need to get used to this new keyboard! I hope everyone is enjoying the sun and warm weather, and that the summer brings you many great adventures!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's been awhile!

Hello all you lovely people!

I realized it has been quite some time since I've updated this, and I thought I should probably say hi! I hope you all enjoyed the second novel in the Desire series, and if you haven't read it yet, no worries! It is still for sale (not that it will ever go off sale).

You would think that finally graduating and not having to worry about homework and classes would give you plenty of time to sit down and write. Well that has not been happening! Working full time has taken up more time than classes, and novel three has not been coming along as well as I had hoped! No worries though, it's over a third of the way done, and the first two novels were written primarily during the months of June and July. Don't ask me why I'm more productive in the summer, I have no idea either. I plan to have most of the third novel done by the end  of summer, as I am really excited to start a new series.

I'll try to keep you all in the loop better over the next few weeks! I feel that updating this more will help give me the motivation to keep writing (though if you ever feel like sending me words of encouragement that could help get me moving as well). I hope everyone is doing fantastic, and that you all have a wonderful summer!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It's Here!!

I'm going to make this short and sweet:

Lies and Locks is finally here! I've added a link on the right side of the page in order to make it easier to find the novel on Amazon. I really hope you enjoy it! I'm off to continue working on the third novel!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's coming!

Lies and Locks is coming! Remember to be on the lookout this Tuesday, March 12th, for Lies and Locks! As soon as the link is up, I will post it here as well. Keep in mind that today and tomorrow, Secrets and Keys is free on Amazon! So if you haven't already taken advantage of this fantastic deal, head on over now. Thank you all for sticking with me, and I really hope you'll enjoy Lies and Locks as much as you enjoyed Secrets and Keys!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

What beats free?

Today is the day! Secrets and Keys will be free for today only! So tell your friends, family, anyone you think might enjoy the novel to pick it up. There will be only two more chances after today to pick up Secrets and Keys for free, as I do not know if I will re-enroll it into the Amazon Select program once Lies and Locks is published. It is #36 on Amazon Teen Literature and Fiction currently, let's try to get it in the top 10 before the end of the night! Get it today!

On a side note, the third and final novel is coming along nicely. I've been averaging a full chapter a night, meaning it may be much easier to finish this story faster and get it out quicker to you wonderful people! More updates about the release of Lies and Locks to come soon.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

*Important Dates*

Hello all! How have you been? I've been keeping busy, getting things on track to release the second novel, Lies and Locks! I have finished my edits of the novel, but I am hoping to get one more fresh set of eyes to look at it before I publish. So, as of now, the release date of Lies and Locks will be March 12th, 2013. You will be able to find it on Amazon!

In order to promote this release, I have three more free days left. This weekend, February 16, Secrets and Keys will be free on Amazon. It will also be free the weekend leading up to March 12th. So tell your friends!

If any of you were curious, I finally began the third and final novel! It is underway, and I am excited to see where the book will take me (yes I have most things planned out, but exciting twists always come up as I write!). So, get pumped. I know I am! Before I go, as promised in the last post, here is the cover of Lies and Locks. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


So, I wanted to make this post about you! I realize I should have written this sooner (like Monday), but I'm happy I can write it now. I want to take the time to thank YOU. Thank you for supporting me, thank you for telling your friends about Secrets and Keys, and thank you for being patient as I put the finishing touches on the second novel! Because of you, Secrets and Keys had over 500 downloads during the weekend. At one point, Secrets and Keys reached #3 on the bestsellers list of free books! None of this could have happened without you, and that is why I wanted to give you all a huge THANK YOU!! You're awesome, fantastic, beautiful, and I appreciate you all! Okay, that is all for now, I'm off to finish editing and working on the cover! Maybe I'll post it here on my next post. I plan to have the second novel out by March! Stay awesome my friends, and I'll talk to you soon!

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Look, New Year, Free Stuff!

So, in case you missed it, the cover of Secrets and Keys has changed slightly. While I was fond of the cursive print, it did not make the cover stand out well. Hence, the new font. I think it will help make the cover stand out more against other books that also use large fonts.

I've decided to re-enroll Secrets and Keys back into the KDP select program. So this weekend, January 12-13, it will be free on Amazon! Use the link on the right to be directed straight to the page. I look forward to having new readers pick up my novel!

Finally, I went through the second edit of the second novel, title to be revealed soon. I need to go through one more time, and then I will be satisfied and ready to publish. Last night, I spent two hours looking for potential cover photos. Nothing fit what I was looking for, but I found a website that you can collaborate with artists who can put a photo together. Hopefully someone will come up with something I really enjoy!

Don't forget to download Secrets and Keys free this weekend! I hope everyone that is back to school had a wonderful first day and has a great semester!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a fantastic break, enjoying the holiday season! I know I did. So a few updates for those of you that still check here periodically:

I finally graduated! With grad school not starting until August, other than working, I shall be working on editing/writing. The second novel will be out hopefully soon, and I will update you all as soon as I pick a date. Maybe I should set a deadline now though, as deadlines for grad school sure are helping me work faster!

That being said, it is very exciting to have two novels completely written (even if one still needs some editing done). I have been distracted lately, with ideas for a completely new novel (series? Haven't decided yet). As that comes further along and I decide it is actually something I wish to complete, I'll announce updates! Novel three will be started as soon as I figure out how I would like to write it (you'll understand once you read novel two).

I have also considered putting Secrets and Keys back into the Amazon KDP select program, where I can select five days to allow readers to purchase this novel for free. Look out for updates, as this will be occurring very soon (if not within the next few days). Considering I never put this story back for purchase on Barnes and Noble, it seems unwise not to keep it in the KDP select program (as an avid book reader, I would love to get more novels for free, so why shouldn't I offer mine for the same deal as well?). So look out for a date, and tell your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, enemies, whoever to download it for free!

That's all I have for now. As I wrote this post, I am starting to think that if I do enroll Secrets and Keys back in KDP select, the first free dates will be next weekend! (January 12-13th) So keep an eye out for confirmation, and download! Talk to you wonderful people again soon!!