Friday, February 17, 2012


Is everyone excited it's the weekend? I know I am! Well, mostly. Tonight I'm taking my grandma to a musical which has gotten very good reviews (Phantom of the Opera- I've never seen it!), and I also have a wedding to go to this weekend. Aside from this, I have to study for two big exams next week. Oh the life of a college student.

I do want to say thank you to everyone who downloaded Secrets and Keys last weekend! I hope everyone enjoys it. I believe the novel has seen over 800 downloads since it was released at the very end of November! It's exciting to think of how many people own it (though I do know not everyone has read it yet). The second novel hasn't seen much love recently, but I plan to change that after my exam Wednesday. Updates to come soon! =]

Friday, February 10, 2012


Hey everyone!

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, February 11th, Secrets and Keys will be available for free on Amazon! There is a link to the product page on the right side of this screen. You can't get a better deal than free, so don't miss out! I only have one more free day to use after this, so tell everyone!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

What A Week

Hello Everyone!! 

Sorry I haven't updated recently, but this past week and a half has been ridiculously crazy! This week I had a physiology, biochemistry, and psychology exam. I almost want to ask my professors not to schedule their exams in the same week again. It has been a stressful week of studying, but I made it through (and I think I kicked each exam's butt)!!! Needless to say, I'm excited to relax this weekend, go to a hockey game, and watch Disney movies. For some reason, I've been wanting to watch old Disney movies again. I do need to catch up on reading as well, as I have quite a few books on my list to read (starting with Hunger Games as I plan on seeing the movie as well). I haven't written much recently as I've been so busy with classes. I do want to try to get some more written tonight. I'm about 2/3 of the way done with the second novel, and I think you will really enjoy it!

It's getting about that time where I think I'm going to use another free promotion day. I will be scheduling the next free promotion for Secrets and Keys for Saturday, February 11th. Of course I will remind everyone again! So if you've already read Secrets and Keys and enjoyed it, tell your friends and family they can download it for free on the 11th! If they don't have a Kindle, tell them not to worry. I don't have a Kindle either, so I downloaded the Kindle reader app (completely free) for my PC. My phone also has a Kindle reader app, so I can read my ebooks I download from Amazon anywhere!

Have a great weekend and I'll try to update sooner next time!! =]