Thursday, January 17, 2013


So, I wanted to make this post about you! I realize I should have written this sooner (like Monday), but I'm happy I can write it now. I want to take the time to thank YOU. Thank you for supporting me, thank you for telling your friends about Secrets and Keys, and thank you for being patient as I put the finishing touches on the second novel! Because of you, Secrets and Keys had over 500 downloads during the weekend. At one point, Secrets and Keys reached #3 on the bestsellers list of free books! None of this could have happened without you, and that is why I wanted to give you all a huge THANK YOU!! You're awesome, fantastic, beautiful, and I appreciate you all! Okay, that is all for now, I'm off to finish editing and working on the cover! Maybe I'll post it here on my next post. I plan to have the second novel out by March! Stay awesome my friends, and I'll talk to you soon!

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Look, New Year, Free Stuff!

So, in case you missed it, the cover of Secrets and Keys has changed slightly. While I was fond of the cursive print, it did not make the cover stand out well. Hence, the new font. I think it will help make the cover stand out more against other books that also use large fonts.

I've decided to re-enroll Secrets and Keys back into the KDP select program. So this weekend, January 12-13, it will be free on Amazon! Use the link on the right to be directed straight to the page. I look forward to having new readers pick up my novel!

Finally, I went through the second edit of the second novel, title to be revealed soon. I need to go through one more time, and then I will be satisfied and ready to publish. Last night, I spent two hours looking for potential cover photos. Nothing fit what I was looking for, but I found a website that you can collaborate with artists who can put a photo together. Hopefully someone will come up with something I really enjoy!

Don't forget to download Secrets and Keys free this weekend! I hope everyone that is back to school had a wonderful first day and has a great semester!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a fantastic break, enjoying the holiday season! I know I did. So a few updates for those of you that still check here periodically:

I finally graduated! With grad school not starting until August, other than working, I shall be working on editing/writing. The second novel will be out hopefully soon, and I will update you all as soon as I pick a date. Maybe I should set a deadline now though, as deadlines for grad school sure are helping me work faster!

That being said, it is very exciting to have two novels completely written (even if one still needs some editing done). I have been distracted lately, with ideas for a completely new novel (series? Haven't decided yet). As that comes further along and I decide it is actually something I wish to complete, I'll announce updates! Novel three will be started as soon as I figure out how I would like to write it (you'll understand once you read novel two).

I have also considered putting Secrets and Keys back into the Amazon KDP select program, where I can select five days to allow readers to purchase this novel for free. Look out for updates, as this will be occurring very soon (if not within the next few days). Considering I never put this story back for purchase on Barnes and Noble, it seems unwise not to keep it in the KDP select program (as an avid book reader, I would love to get more novels for free, so why shouldn't I offer mine for the same deal as well?). So look out for a date, and tell your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, enemies, whoever to download it for free!

That's all I have for now. As I wrote this post, I am starting to think that if I do enroll Secrets and Keys back in KDP select, the first free dates will be next weekend! (January 12-13th) So keep an eye out for confirmation, and download! Talk to you wonderful people again soon!!